September 2024

Six of WandsThe Hermit

Six of Wands | The Hermit

Six of Wands

Imagery: A man wearing a laurel wreath crown is riding through a crowd of admirers. He holds a wand with another laurel wreath attached to it.

This is a card of victory. The man has achieved fame or success in some venture and is being celebrated by the people around him. This is a worldly and social card.

The Hermit

Imagery: A robed figure is holding a staff and raising a lantern lit by a star. He stands alone at the top of an icy mountain. He is still and appears to be focusing within himself. This is a solitary and meditative card.

I like the way these two cards seem to confront one another. Their approaches to life are very different.


September is calling for a shift in your focus. It’s possible that the last few months have been busy with activities and demands. A “places to go and people to see” kind of period. While there’s nothing wrong with this, you can lose yourself in the activity.

This month try to step back from the social, busy aspects of your life. Give some time to your inner world. Nurture your Self, your Soul. As you begin to remember who you really are, watch your outer world blossom.

Key Words:
Retreat, reflect, flourish

Be Blessed!