August 2024

Two of WandsFour of Wands

Two of Wands |  Four of Wands

Two of Wands

Imagery: A man is standing at the top of his castle. He holds a world globe in his right hand and holds a wand with his left. Another wand is behind him. Both wands are fixed to the castle. The man gazes off into the distance.

This is a man who apparently “has the world in his hands.” He has all that he could possibly want and yet he’s dissatisfied. He is looking beyond his castle walls at what “could be."

Four of Wands

Imagery: Four wands and a garland stand at the front of the card. A castle stands at the back. People are leaving the castle, smiling and waving bouquets in the air. The mood is one of celebration.

The people who had taken refuge in the castle for the winter are now free to return to their homes and fields. This is a card of freedom, expansion, and joy.


Are you feeling stuck? Do all your days look the same? Is there something you’d like to try but just haven’t made the time for it? This month look at ways you may be limiting yourself. Find ways to step out of your comfort zone and experience something new.  

Key Words for August:
action, growth, empowerment

Be Blessed!